Visitors for Business or Pleasure (Non-Visa Waiver Country)

A foreign national who is granted a non-immigrant visitor visa may visit the United States for business or pleasure for up to 6 months, with a possible 6 month renewal.

Since you are not a citizen of a “visa-waiver county”, you must apply for a visitor’s visa at the United States consulate general nearest to where you live. This type of visa is more difficult to obtain in a country that is experiencing economic turmoil, and certain types of political or internal conflicts. All applicants are presumed by law to have the intention to stay in the United States once they get there. Unless you can prove to the consular official that you intend to return to your home country, he or she will deny your visa application.

A successful visa application is one that contains sufficient documentation and other proof to overcome the presumption that you will not leave the United States once your visa expires.

Once you arrive at the United States border post, an immigration official will issue a form to you, which shows the exit date. You must leave the United States no later than the exit date, or else you will be in violation of the visa, and will risk denial of entry to the United States in the future.

Important: A visitor to the United States may be denied entry by the immigration official at the port of entry if she suspects the visitor intends to remain in the United States. Therefore, it is very important to have in your possession for presentation to the immigration official adequate proof of your intent to leave the United States.

Ortega-Medina & Associates can help you assemble a visa application package that will substantially increase your chances of obtaining a visitor’s visa. Please contact our office to discuss your specific matter.